
ESP32 ArduinoでI2Cをマルチタスクで動かす by freeRTOS [ESP32]

2018-07-11 16.06.45.jpg

※ついさっき、Arduino core for the ESP32のI2Cの抽象化層のコードに修正が入った模様。明日、試す。

ここで書いているバージョンのESP32 Arduinoでは確かにI2Cがまともに動きませんでした。

実はつい先日Arduino core for the ESP32が更新されています、、、
















/* ESP32 BME280 project for Ambient                                         */
/*                                  Copyright (C) 2018- by hamayan          */
#define  __DEBUG__
//#define  __RUN_IN_AP_MODE__
#define  __RUN_IN_STA_MODE__

#include  <WiFi.h>
#include  "bme280.h"
#include  "Ambient.h"

extern "C" {

/*  prototype and defines.                                               */
#define  BME280_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDRESS  0x76
#define  BME280_EXTEND_I2C_ADDRESS   0x77
#define  I2C_HERTZ            100000UL
#define  SCL_PIN              26  /**/
#define  SDA_PIN              25  /**/
#define  ACT_LED_PIN          100 /* そんな物は無かった */

static void connectWifi();
static void networkInformations();
void IRAM_ATTR onTimerEvery1seconds();

/*  instances and valiables.                                             */
bme280 bme280_01( BME280_DEFAULT_I2C_ADDRESS );  /* bme280( uint8_t adr ); */
bme280 bme280_02( BME280_EXTEND_I2C_ADDRESS );  /* bme280( uint8_t adr ); */
volatile int pressure01,humidity01,temperature01;
volatile int pressure02,humidity02,temperature02;
volatile int cpuCounter;

WiFiClient client;
Ambient ambient;
unsigned int ambientChannelId = 0123456789;
const char* ambientWriteKey = "abcdefg";
const char* ambientReadKey = "abcdefg";

hw_timer_t *timer1second = NULL;
volatile time_t unixTime;  /*1970年からの通算秒*/
volatile time_t passedTime;  /* from start.  */

/*  task prototype defines.                                              */
xTaskHandle taskHandle[ TASK_ID_END ];
volatile SemaphoreHandle_t semaI2C;  /* I2Cのセマフォ */

void i2cTestTask01( void *execParam );
void i2cTestTask02( void *execParam );

/*  Wi-Fi defines.                                                       */
const char ssidAP[] = "ESP32_I2C_TEST";  // SSID
const char passAP[] = "password";   // password
const IPAddress apIP( 0, 0, 0, 0 );  // access point ip address
const IPAddress subnet( 255, 255, 255, 0 );  // sub net mask
const IPAddress stationIP( 0, 0, 0, 0 );  // station mode static ip address
const IPAddress dnsIP( 0, 0, 0, 0 );  // station mode dns ip address
const IPAddress gwIP( 0, 0, 0, 0 );  // station mode gateway ip address
IPAddress myIpAddress;

const char ssidSTA[] = "ssid";  // SSID
const char passSTA[] = "password";   // password
const char ntpServer[] = "";

/*  setup.                                                               */
void setup()
  Serial.begin( 115200 );
  Serial.println( "ESP32 I2C Test." );

  uint64_t chipid = ESP.getEfuseMac();  //The chip ID is essentially its MAC address(length: 6 bytes).
  Serial.printf( "ESP32 Chip ID = %04X",(uint16_t)(chipid>>32) );  //print High 2 bytes
  Serial.printf( "%08X\n",(uint32_t)chipid );  //print Low 4bytes.

  /* initialize unixTime  */
  struct tm localTime =
  unixTime = mktime( &localTime );

  /* 1second timer interrupt initialize. */
  timer1second = timerBegin( 0, 80, true );
  timerAttachInterrupt( timer1second, &onTimerEvery1seconds, true );
  timerAlarmWrite( timer1second, 1000 * 1000UL, true );
  /* 1second timer interrupt start. */
  timerAlarmEnable( timer1second );

  /* gpio pins configuration, */

  /* display mac address. */
  /* wifi AP open */

#if defined( __RUN_IN_STA_MODE__ )
  /* init and get the time from ntp server. */
  Serial.print( "Connecting to NTP server. current time = " );
  connectNTP( ntpServer );
  Serial.print( stringDataAndTime( NULL, NULL ) );
  Serial.println( "  ...done." );
#endif  /* defined( __RUN_IN_STA_MODE__ ) */

  /* configure tasks. */
  /* change the task priority to highest. */
//  UBaseType_t currentPriority = uxTaskPriorityGet( NULL );
//  vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, 24 );

  /* Create binary semaphore */
  semaI2C = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
  xSemaphoreGive( semaI2C );  /* give one semaphore */

  /* imitialize i2c. */
  Wire.begin( SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN );  // Wire.begin( SDA, SCL );
  Wire.setClock( I2C_HERTZ );  // default = 100kbps

  /* bme280 start with i2c. */
  Serial.print( "initialize BME280_01 " );
  int bmeId = BME280_ID );
  if( bmeId != BME280_ID_VALUE )
    Serial.print( "ID ERROR : " );
    Serial.println( bmeId, HEX );
    while(1) {}
  Serial.print( "ID = 0x" ); Serial.println( bmeId, HEX );

  Serial.print( "initialize BME280_02 " );
  bmeId = BME280_ID );
  if( bmeId != BME280_ID_VALUE )
    Serial.print( "ID ERROR : " );
    Serial.println( bmeId, HEX );
    //while(1) {}
  Serial.print( "ID = 0x" ); Serial.println( bmeId, HEX );

  /* connecting to ambient. */
  Serial.print( "connecting to ambient." );
  ambient.begin( ambientChannelId, ambientWriteKey, &client );
  Serial.println( "...done." );

  /* active i2c test task01. priority = 2 */
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( i2cTestTask01, "", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE * 2, NULL, 2, &taskHandle[ TASK_ID_I2C_TEST01 ], 1 );

  /* active i2c test task02. priority = 2 */
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( i2cTestTask02, "", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE * 2, NULL, 2, &taskHandle[ TASK_ID_I2C_TEST02 ], 1 );

  /* change the task priority to original. */
//  vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, currentPriority );
//  vTaskDelete( NULL );  /* delete loopTask. */

/*  loop.                                                                */
void loop()
  time_t baseNTPRequestTime = passedTime;
  time_t baseStackMonitorTime = passedTime;
  time_t baseAmbientUpdateTime = passedTime;
  while( 1 )
    vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( 1 * 1000UL ) );

    #if defined( __RUN_IN_STA_MODE__ )
    /* get the time from ntp server. */
    if( (passedTime - baseNTPRequestTime) >= 1 * 3600UL )
      baseNTPRequestTime = passedTime;
      connectNTP( ntpServer );
    #endif  /* defined( __RUN_IN_STA_MODE__ ) */

    /* stack monitor. */
    if( (passedTime - baseStackMonitorTime) >= 10UL )
      baseStackMonitorTime = passedTime;

    /* update data to ambient server. */
    if( (passedTime - baseAmbientUpdateTime) >= 60UL )
      baseAmbientUpdateTime = passedTime;
      ambient.set(1, temperature01 );  //
      ambient.set(2, humidity01 );  //
      ambient.set(3, pressure01 );  //
      ambient.set(4, temperature02 );  //
      ambient.set(5, humidity02 );  //
      ambient.set(6, pressure02 );  //
      ambient.set(7, cpuCounter );  //
      if( ambient.send() == false ) Serial.println( "Transmitting to AMBIENT was error." );
      if( ++cpuCounter >= 50 ) cpuCounter = 0;

/*  stack monitor                                                        */
static void reportStackSize( TaskHandle_t taskHdl, int count )
  unsigned portBASE_TYPE stzckSize = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( taskHdl );
  String msg = "  Task"; msg += String( count ); msg += " remains stack size = "; msg += String( stzckSize );
  Serial.println( msg );

static void stackMonitor()
  int i;
  for( i = 0; i < sizeof(taskHandle) / sizeof(taskHandle[ 0 ]); i++ )
    reportStackSize( taskHandle[ i ], i );

  TaskHandle_t loopTaskHandle = xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle();
  reportStackSize( loopTaskHandle, i );

  Serial.print( stringDataAndTime( NULL, NULL ) );
  Serial.print( " ip : " );
  Serial.println( myIpAddress );

/*  bme280Read                                                           */
static int bme280Read( bme280 *bm, BME280_S32_t *temperature, BME280_U32_t *pressure, BME280_U32_t *humidity )

  if( xSemaphoreTake( semaI2C, pdMS_TO_TICKS( WAIT_FOR_SEMAPHORE_TIME )  ) == pdFAIL ) return (-1);  // not portMAX_DELAY
  bm->force( 1, 1 );
  xSemaphoreGive( semaI2C );  /* give one semaphore */

  vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( 2UL ) );  /**/

  while( 1 )
    /* 変換が開始されるとbit3が1に、変換が終了してレジスタに書き込まれると、bit3が0になる */
    if( xSemaphoreTake( semaI2C, pdMS_TO_TICKS( WAIT_FOR_SEMAPHORE_TIME )  ) == pdFAIL ) return (-1);  // not portMAX_DELAY
    uint8_t status = bm->readStatus();
    xSemaphoreGive( semaI2C );  /* give one semaphore */
    if( status == 0xFF ) return (-1);
    if( status & 0x08 ) taskYIELD(); /* for Co-operative Scheduling */
    else break;
  taskYIELD(); /* for Co-operative Scheduling */

  BME280_S32_t tempS32;
  if( xSemaphoreTake( semaI2C, pdMS_TO_TICKS( WAIT_FOR_SEMAPHORE_TIME )  ) == pdFAIL ) return (-1);  // not portMAX_DELAY
  tempS32 = bm->readAdc_T();
  xSemaphoreGive( semaI2C );  /* give one semaphore */
  if( tempS32 == (-1) ) return (-1);
  taskYIELD(); /* for Co-operative Scheduling */
  *temperature = (bm->BME280_compensate_T_int32( tempS32 ) + 5L) / 10L;

  if( xSemaphoreTake( semaI2C, pdMS_TO_TICKS( WAIT_FOR_SEMAPHORE_TIME )  ) == pdFAIL ) return (-1);  // not portMAX_DELAY
  tempS32 = bm->readAdc_P();
  xSemaphoreGive( semaI2C );  /* give one semaphore */
  if( tempS32 == (-1) ) return (-1);
  taskYIELD(); /* for Co-operative Scheduling */
  *pressure = (bm->BME280_compensate_P_int64( tempS32 ) + 128UL) / (256UL * 100UL);

  if( xSemaphoreTake( semaI2C, pdMS_TO_TICKS( WAIT_FOR_SEMAPHORE_TIME )  ) == pdFAIL ) return (-1);  // not portMAX_DELAY
  tempS32 = bm->readAdc_H();
  xSemaphoreGive( semaI2C );  /* give one semaphore */
  if( tempS32 == (-1) ) return (-1);
  taskYIELD(); /* for Co-operative Scheduling */
  *humidity = (bm->BME280_compensate_H_int32( tempS32 ) + 512UL) / 1024UL;

  return 0;

/*  i2cTestTask01                                                        */
void i2cTestTask01( void *execParam )
  Serial.println( "i2cTestTask01 start." );
  while( 1 )
    vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( 1000UL ) );  /**/
    BME280_S32_t temperature;
    BME280_U32_t pressure;
    BME280_U32_t humidity;
    if( bme280Read( &bme280_01, &temperature, &pressure, &humidity ) != 0 )
      Serial.println( "i2cTestTask01 does not take a semaphore." );

    temperature01 = (int)((temperature + 5) / 10);
    pressure01 = (int)pressure;
    humidity01 = (int)humidity;

    Serial.print( "P01 = " ); Serial.print( pressure, DEC );
    Serial.print( " H01 = " ); Serial.print( humidity, DEC );
    Serial.print( " T01 = " ); Serial.print( temperature, DEC );

/*  i2cTestTask02                                                        */
void i2cTestTask02( void *execParam )
  Serial.println( "i2cTestTask02 start." );
  while( 1 )
    vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( 1000UL ) );  /**/
    BME280_S32_t temperature;
    BME280_U32_t pressure;
    BME280_U32_t humidity;
    if( bme280Read( &bme280_02, &temperature, &pressure, &humidity ) != 0 )
      Serial.println( "i2cTestTask02 does not take a semaphore." );

    temperature02 = (int)((temperature + 5) / 10);
    pressure02 = (int)pressure;
    humidity02 = (int)humidity;

    Serial.print( "P02 = " ); Serial.print( pressure, DEC );
    Serial.print( " H02 = " ); Serial.print( humidity, DEC );
    Serial.print( " T02 = " ); Serial.print( temperature, DEC );

/*  initialize GPIO                                                      */
static void initGPIO()
  pinMode( ACT_LED_PIN, OUTPUT );
  digitalWrite( ACT_LED_PIN, HIGH );  /**/

/*  ESP32 network parameter informatons.                                 */
static void networkInformations()
  Serial.printf("Free Heap Size = %d\r\n", esp_get_free_heap_size());
  Serial.printf("System Free Heap Size = %d\r\n", system_get_free_heap_size());
  Serial.printf("Minimum Free Heap Size = %d\r\n", esp_get_minimum_free_heap_size());
  uint8_t mac[6];
  esp_efuse_read_mac( mac );
  Serial.printf("EFuse Mac Address = %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\r\n", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);
  system_efuse_read_mac( mac );
  Serial.printf("System Mac Address = %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\r\n", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);
  esp_read_mac( mac, ESP_MAC_WIFI_STA );
  Serial.printf("[Wi-Fi Station] Mac Address = %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\r\n", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);
  esp_read_mac( mac, ESP_MAC_WIFI_SOFTAP );
  Serial.printf("[Wi-Fi SoftAP] Mac Address = %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\r\n", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);
  esp_read_mac( mac, ESP_MAC_BT );
  Serial.printf("[Bluetooth] Mac Address = %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\r\n", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);
  esp_read_mac( mac, ESP_MAC_ETH );
  Serial.printf("[Ethernet] Mac Address = %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\r\n", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);

/*  connect Wi-Fi                                                        */
static void connectWifi()
#if defined( __RUN_IN_AP_MODE__ )
  WiFi.mode( WIFI_AP );
  WiFi.softAP( ssidAP, NULL, 6, 0, 4 );  // no pass, ch=6, ssid=broadcast, max connections=4
  vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( 100UL ) );
  WiFi.softAPConfig( apIP, apIP, subnet );

  myIpAddress = WiFi.softAPIP();
  Serial.print( "SSID : " );
  Serial.print( ssidAP );
  Serial.print( " AP IP address : " );
  Serial.println( myIpAddress );
#else  /* defined( __RUN_IN_AP_MODE__ ) */
  unsigned long baseTim = millis();
  WiFi.mode( WIFI_STA );
//  WiFi.config( stationIP,dnsIP,gwIP,subnet );  /**/
  WiFi.begin( ssidSTA, passSTA );
  while( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED )
     Serial.print( "." );
     vTaskDelay( pdMS_TO_TICKS( 100UL ) );
  myIpAddress = WiFi.localIP();
  Serial.print( "\r\nIP number assigned by DHCP is " );
  Serial.print( myIpAddress );
  Serial.print( " association time = " ); Serial.print( millis() - baseTim, DEC ); Serial.println( "ms" );
#endif  /* defined( __RUN_IN_AP_MODE__ ) */

/*  connect ntp server.                                                  */
static void connectNTP( const char *server )
  #define  TZ  (9)
  /* init and get the time from ntp server. */
  configTime( TZ * 3600UL, 0, server );
  struct tm timeinfo;
  if( getLocalTime( &timeinfo ) == true )
    timerAlarmDisable( timer1second );
    setUnixTime( &timeinfo );
    timerAlarmEnable( timer1second );

/*  set unixTime from date and time                                      */
void setUnixTime( struct tm *tim )
  time_t presentTim = mktime( tim );
  unixTime = presentTim;

/*  get date and time string from unixTime                               */
String stringDataAndTime( char *yyyymmdd, char *hhmm )
  struct tm *tim = localtime( (time_t *)&unixTime );
  char buffer[32];
  sprintf( buffer, "%d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", tim->tm_year + 1900, tim->tm_mon + 1, tim->tm_mday,
    tim->tm_hour, tim->tm_min, tim->tm_sec );
  if( yyyymmdd != NULL )
    sprintf( yyyymmdd, "%04d%02d%02d", tim->tm_year + 1900, tim->tm_mon + 1, tim->tm_mday );
  if( hhmm != NULL )
    sprintf( hhmm, "%02d%02d", tim->tm_hour, tim->tm_min );

  return String( buffer );

/*  timer interrupt handler.                                             */
void IRAM_ATTR onTimerEvery1seconds()

/*                                  Copyright (C) 2018- by hamayan          */

/* BME280を使用した温度と湿度と気圧の取得                                        */
/*                                         designed by hamayan since 2015/09/29  */
#include  "bme280.h"

/* 大域変数宣言                                                          */

/* プロトタイプ宣言                                                      */

/* 端子定義                                                              */

/* インスタンス                                                          */

bme280::bme280( uint8_t adr )
  i2cAddress = adr;

void bme280::readCalibrationData()
  uint8_t buf[26];

  read( BME280_CALIB00, buf, 26 );
  dig_T1 = ((uint16_t)(buf[1]) << 8) | ((uint16_t)(buf[0]) << 0);
  dig_T2 = ((signed short)(buf[3]) << 8) | ((signed short)(buf[2]) << 0);
  dig_T3 = ((signed short)(buf[5]) << 8) | ((signed short)(buf[4]) << 0);
  dig_P1 = ((uint16_t)(buf[7]) << 8) | ((uint16_t)(buf[6]) << 0);
  dig_P2 = ((signed short)(buf[9]) << 8) | ((signed short)(buf[8]) << 0);
  dig_P3 = ((signed short)(buf[11]) << 8) | ((signed short)(buf[10]) << 0);
  dig_P4 = ((signed short)(buf[13]) << 8) | ((signed short)(buf[12]) << 0);
  dig_P5 = ((signed short)(buf[15]) << 8) | ((signed short)(buf[14]) << 0);
  dig_P6 = ((signed short)(buf[17]) << 8) | ((signed short)(buf[16]) << 0);
  dig_P7 = ((signed short)(buf[19]) << 8) | ((signed short)(buf[18]) << 0);
  dig_P8 = ((signed short)(buf[21]) << 8) | ((signed short)(buf[20]) << 0);
  dig_P9 = ((signed short)(buf[23]) << 8) | ((signed short)(buf[21]) << 0);
  dig_H1 = buf[25];

  read( BME280_CALIB26, buf, 7 );
  dig_H2 = ((signed short)(buf[1]) << 8) | ((signed short)(buf[0]) << 0);
  dig_H3 = buf[2];
  dig_H4 = ((signed short)(buf[3]) << 4) | ((signed short)(buf[4] & 0x0f) << 0);
  dig_H5 = ((signed short)(buf[4] & 0xf0) << 4) | ((signed short)(buf[5]) << 0);
  dig_H6 = (signed char)buf[6];

BME280_S32_t bme280::readAdc_T()
  uint8_t buf[3];

  if( read( BME280_TEMP_MSB, buf, sizeof(buf) ) == (-1) )
    Serial.println( "bme280::readAdc_T read error 01." );
    return (-1);

  return ((BME280_S32_t)buf[0] << 12) | ((BME280_S32_t)buf[1] << 4) | ((BME280_S32_t)buf[2] >> 4);

BME280_S32_t bme280::readAdc_P()
  uint8_t buf[3];

  if( read( BME280_PRESS_MSB, buf, sizeof(buf) ) == (-1) )
    Serial.println( "bme280::readAdc_P read error 01." );
    return (-1);

  return ((BME280_S32_t)buf[0] << 12) | ((BME280_S32_t)buf[1] << 4) | ((BME280_S32_t)buf[2] >> 4);

BME280_S32_t bme280::readAdc_H()
  uint8_t buf[2];

  if( read( BME280_HUM_MSB, buf, sizeof(buf) ) == (-1) )
    Serial.println( "bme280::readAdc_H read error 01." );
    return (-1);

  return ((BME280_S32_t)buf[0] << 8) | ((BME280_S32_t)buf[1] << 0);

void bme280::readAdc_PTH( BME280_S32_t *p, BME280_S32_t *t, BME280_S32_t *h )
  uint8_t buf[8];

  read( BME280_PRESS_MSB, buf, sizeof(buf) );

  *h = ((BME280_S32_t)buf[0] << 8) | ((BME280_S32_t)buf[1] << 0);
  *t = ((BME280_S32_t)buf[2] << 12) | ((BME280_S32_t)buf[3] << 4) | ((BME280_S32_t)buf[4] >> 4);
  *p = ((BME280_S32_t)buf[5] << 12) | ((BME280_S32_t)buf[6] << 4) | ((BME280_S32_t)buf[7] >> 4);

void bme280::force( uint8_t pressureOverSample, uint8_t temperatureOverSample )
  write( BME280_CTRL_MEAS, ((pressureOverSample & 0x07) << 5) | ((temperatureOverSample & 0x07) << 2) | 1 );

uint8_t bme280::readStatus()
  uint8_t status = read( BME280_STATUS );

  return status;

/* begin                                                                 */
void bme280::begin()
  write( BME280_RESET, BME280_RESET_VALUE );  /*RESET*/
  delay( 1UL );
  write( BME280_CTRL_MEAS, 0 );  /* set to sleep mode. */
  write( BME280_CONFIG, (4 << 5) | (1 << 2) | 0 );  /*config:stand-by period =500ms,*/
                                      /*iir filter=2 over samples,spi mode=ignore*/
  write( BME280_CTRL_HUM, 1 );  /*ctrl hum*/
//  write( BME280_CTRL_MEAS, (1 << 5) | (1 << 2) | 3 );  /*ctrl meas:temperature over sampling=1,*/
                                      /*pressure over sampling=1,mode=normal*/
  write( BME280_CTRL_MEAS, (1 << 5) | (1 << 2) | 0 );  /*ctrl meas:temperature over sampling=1,*/
                                      /*pressure over sampling=1,mode=sleep*/

void bme280::begin( uint8_t meas, uint8_t hum, uint8_t config )
  write( BME280_RESET, BME280_RESET_VALUE );  /*RESET*/
  delay( 1UL );
  write( BME280_CTRL_MEAS, 0 );  /* set to sleep mode. */
  write( BME280_CONFIG, config );  /*config*/
  write( BME280_CTRL_MEAS, meas );  /*ctrl meas*/
  write( BME280_CTRL_HUM, hum );  /*ctrl hum*/


/* I2C Write                                                             */
int bme280::write( uint8_t reg, uint8_t dat )
  Wire.beginTransmission( i2cAddress );
  Wire.write( reg );
  Wire.write( dat );
  return Wire.endTransmission();

/* I2C block Write                                                       */
int bme280::write( uint8_t reg, const uint8_t *dat, size_t len )
  Wire.beginTransmission( i2cAddress );
  Wire.write( reg );
  Wire.write( dat, len );
  return Wire.endTransmission();

/* byte data read                                                        */
int bme280::read( uint8_t reg )
  Wire.beginTransmission( i2cAddress );
  Wire.write( reg );
  Wire.endTransmission( false ); //endTransmission but keep the connection active

  Wire.requestFrom( (uint8_t)i2cAddress, (uint8_t)1 ); //Ask for bytes, once done, bus is released by default

  unsigned long baseTime = millis();
  while( Wire.available() == 0 ) //Hang out until we get the # of bytes we expect
    if( (millis() - baseTime) > WAIT_FOR_BME280_I2C_TIME ) return (-1);

  return & 0x00ff;

/* any bytes data read                                                   */
int bme280::read( uint8_t reg, uint8_t data[], size_t len )
  Wire.beginTransmission( i2cAddress );
  Wire.write( reg );
  Wire.endTransmission( false ); //endTransmission but keep the connection active

  Wire.requestFrom( (uint8_t)i2cAddress, (uint8_t)len ); //Ask for bytes, once done, bus is released by default

  unsigned long baseTime = millis();
  while( Wire.available() < len ) //Hang out until we get the # of bytes we expect
    if( (millis() - baseTime) > WAIT_FOR_BME280_I2C_TIME ) return (-1);

  for(int i = 0 ; i < len; i++)
    data[i] =;    

  return 0;

#if 0

// Returns temperature in DegC, double precision. Output value of “51.23” equals 51.23 DegC.
// t_fine carries fine temperature as global value
BME280_S32_t t_fine;

BME280_S32_t bme280::BME280_compensate_T_double(BME280_S32_t adc_T)
  BME280_S32_t var1, var2, T;
  var1 = (((BME280_S32_t)adc_T)/16384.0 - ((BME280_S32_t)dig_T1)/1024.0) * ((BME280_S32_t)dig_T2);
  var2 = ((((BME280_S32_t)adc_T)/131072.0 - ((BME280_S32_t)dig_T1)/8192.0) *
    (((BME280_S32_t)adc_T)/131072.0 - ((BME280_S32_t)dig_T1)/8192.0)) * ((BME280_S32_t)dig_T3);
  t_fine = (BME280_S32_t)(var1 + var2);
  T = (var1 + var2) / 5120.0;

  return T;

// Returns pressure in Pa as double. Output value of “96386.2” equals 96386.2 Pa = 963.862 hPa
BME280_S32_t bme280::BME280_compensate_P_double(BME280_S32_t adc_P)
  BME280_S32_t var1, var2, p;
  var1 = ((BME280_S32_t)t_fine/2.0) - 64000.0;
  var2 = var1 * var1 * ((BME280_S32_t)dig_P6) / 32768.0;
  var2 = var2 + var1 * ((BME280_S32_t)dig_P5) * 2.0;
  var2 = (var2/4.0)+(((BME280_S32_t)dig_P4) * 65536.0);
  var1 = (((BME280_S32_t)dig_P3) * var1 * var1 / 524288.0 + ((BME280_S32_t)dig_P2) * var1) / 524288.0;
  var1 = (1.0 + var1 / 32768.0)*((BME280_S32_t)dig_P1);
  if (var1 == 0.0)
    return 0; // avoid exception caused by division by zero
  p = 1048576.0 - (BME280_S32_t)adc_P;
  p = (p - (var2 / 4096.0)) * 6250.0 / var1;
  var1 = ((BME280_S32_t)dig_P9) * p * p / 2147483648.0;
  var2 = p * ((BME280_S32_t)dig_P8) / 32768.0;
  p = p + (var1 + var2 + ((BME280_S32_t)dig_P7)) / 16.0;

  return p;

// Returns humidity in %rH as as double. Output value of “46.332” represents 46.332 %rH
BME280_S32_t bme280::bme280_compensate_H_double(BME280_S32_t adc_H)
  BME280_S32_t var_H;
  var_H = (((BME280_S32_t)t_fine) - 76800.0);

  var_H = (adc_H - (((BME280_S32_t)dig_H4) * 64.0 + ((BME280_S32_t)dig_H5) / 16384.0 * var_H)) *
  (((BME280_S32_t)dig_H2) / 65536.0 * (1.0 + ((BME280_S32_t)dig_H6) / 67108864.0 * var_H *
  (1.0 + ((BME280_S32_t)dig_H3) / 67108864.0 * var_H)));
  var_H = var_H * (1.0 - ((BME280_S32_t)dig_H1) * var_H / 524288.0);
  if (var_H > 100.0)
    var_H = 100.0;
  else if (var_H < 0.0)
    var_H = 0.0;

  return var_H;

// Returns temperature in DegC, resolution is 0.01 DegC. Output value of “5123” equals 51.23 DegC.
// t_fine carries fine temperature as global value

BME280_S32_t t_fine;

BME280_S32_t bme280::BME280_compensate_T_int32(BME280_S32_t adc_T)
  BME280_S32_t var1, var2, T;

  var1 = ((((adc_T>>3) - ((BME280_S32_t)dig_T1<<1))) * ((BME280_S32_t)dig_T2)) >> 11;
  var2 = (((((adc_T>>4) - ((BME280_S32_t)dig_T1)) * ((adc_T>>4) - ((BME280_S32_t)dig_T1))) >> 12) *
  ((BME280_S32_t)dig_T3)) >> 14;
  t_fine = var1 + var2;
  T = (t_fine * 5 + 128) >> 8;

  return T;

// Returns pressure in Pa as unsigned 32 bit integer in Q24.8 format (24 integer bits and 8 fractional bits).
// Output value of “24674867” represents 24674867/256 = 96386.2 Pa = 963.862 hPa
BME280_U32_t bme280::BME280_compensate_P_int64(BME280_S32_t adc_P)
  BME280_S64_t var1, var2, p;

  var1 = ((BME280_S64_t)t_fine) - 128000;
  var2 = var1 * var1 * (BME280_S64_t)dig_P6;
  var2 = var2 + ((var1*(BME280_S64_t)dig_P5)<<17);
  var2 = var2 + (((BME280_S64_t)dig_P4)<<35);
  var1 = ((var1 * var1 * (BME280_S64_t)dig_P3)>>8) + ((var1 * (BME280_S64_t)dig_P2)<<12);
  var1 = (((((BME280_S64_t)1)<<47)+var1))*((BME280_S64_t)dig_P1)>>33;
  if (var1 == 0)
    return 0; // avoid exception caused by division by zero
  p = 1048576-adc_P;
  p = (((p<<31)-var2)*3125)/var1;
  var1 = (((BME280_S64_t)dig_P9) * (p>>13) * (p>>13)) >> 25;
  var2 = (((BME280_S64_t)dig_P8) * p) >> 19;
  p = ((p + var1 + var2) >> 8) + (((BME280_S64_t)dig_P7)<<4);

  return (BME280_U32_t)p;

// Returns humidity in %RH as unsigned 32 bit integer in Q22.10 format (22 integer and 10 fractional bits).
// Output value of “47445” represents 47445/1024 = 46.333 %RH
BME280_U32_t bme280::BME280_compensate_H_int32(BME280_S32_t adc_H)
  BME280_S32_t v_x1_u32r;

  v_x1_u32r = (t_fine - ((BME280_S32_t)76800));
  v_x1_u32r = (((((adc_H << 14) - (((BME280_S32_t)dig_H4) << 20) - (((BME280_S32_t)dig_H5) * v_x1_u32r)) +
    ((BME280_S32_t)16384)) >> 15) * (((((((v_x1_u32r * ((BME280_S32_t)dig_H6)) >> 10) * (((v_x1_u32r * 
    ((BME280_S32_t)dig_H3)) >> 11) + ((BME280_S32_t)32768))) >> 10) + ((BME280_S32_t)2097152)) *
    ((BME280_S32_t)dig_H2) + 8192) >> 14));
  v_x1_u32r = (v_x1_u32r - (((((v_x1_u32r >> 15) * (v_x1_u32r >> 15)) >> 7) * ((BME280_S32_t)dig_H1)) >> 4));
  v_x1_u32r = (v_x1_u32r < 0 ? 0 : v_x1_u32r);
  v_x1_u32r = (v_x1_u32r > 419430400 ? 419430400 : v_x1_u32r);

  return (BME280_U32_t)(v_x1_u32r >> 12);


/* end of file                                                                   */
/*                                         designed by hamayan since 2015/09/29  */

/* BME280 header                                                            */
/*                         Copyright (C) 2014 hamayan All Rights Reserved.  */
#ifndef bme280_h
#define bme280_h

#include  <Arduino.h>
#include  <Wire.h>

extern "C" {

/* ESP32 Arduinoのドライバーがまともなら無限待ちでもいいかもしれないけれど、イマイチ信用できないのでタイムアウトを設定 */
#define  WAIT_FOR_BME280_I2C_TIME (10UL)

#define  BME280_ID_VALUE      0x60
#define  BME280_RESET_VALUE   0xB6

#define  BME280_HUM_LSB       0xFE
#define  BME280_HUM_MSB       0xFD
#define  BME280_TEMP_XLSB     0xFC
#define  BME280_TEMP_LSB      0xFB
#define  BME280_TEMP_MSB      0xFA
#define  BME280_PRESS_XLSB    0xF9
#define  BME280_PRESS_LSB     0xF8
#define  BME280_PRESS_MSB     0xF7
#define  BME280_CONFIG        0xF5
#define  BME280_CTRL_MEAS     0xF4
#define  BME280_STATUS        0xF3
#define  BME280_CTRL_HUM      0xF2
#define  BME280_CALIB26       (0xE1 + 0)
#define  BME280_CALIB27       (0xE1 + 1)
#define  BME280_CALIB28       (0xE1 + 2)
#define  BME280_CALIB29       (0xE1 + 3)
#define  BME280_CALIB30       (0xE1 + 4)
#define  BME280_CALIB31       (0xE1 + 5)
#define  BME280_CALIB32       (0xE1 + 6)
#define  BME280_CALIB33       (0xE1 + 7)
#define  BME280_CALIB34       (0xE1 + 8)
#define  BME280_CALIB35       (0xE1 + 9)
#define  BME280_CALIB36       (0xE1 + 10)
#define  BME280_CALIB37       (0xE1 + 11)
#define  BME280_CALIB38       (0xE1 + 12)
#define  BME280_CALIB39       (0xE1 + 13)
#define  BME280_CALIB40       (0xE1 + 14)
#define  BME280_CALIB41       (0xE1 + 15)
#define  BME280_RESET         0xE0
#define  BME280_ID            0xD0
#define  BME280_CALIB00       (0x88 + 0)
#define  BME280_CALIB01       (0x88 + 1)
#define  BME280_CALIB02       (0x88 + 2)
#define  BME280_CALIB03       (0x88 + 3)
#define  BME280_CALIB04       (0x88 + 4)
#define  BME280_CALIB05       (0x88 + 5)
#define  BME280_CALIB06       (0x88 + 6)
#define  BME280_CALIB07       (0x88 + 7)
#define  BME280_CALIB08       (0x88 + 8)
#define  BME280_CALIB09       (0x88 + 9)
#define  BME280_CALIB10       (0x88 + 10)
#define  BME280_CALIB11       (0x88 + 11)
#define  BME280_CALIB12       (0x88 + 12)
#define  BME280_CALIB13       (0x88 + 13)
#define  BME280_CALIB14       (0x88 + 14)
#define  BME280_CALIB15       (0x88 + 15)
#define  BME280_CALIB16       (0x88 + 16)
#define  BME280_CALIB17       (0x88 + 17)
#define  BME280_CALIB18       (0x88 + 18)
#define  BME280_CALIB19       (0x88 + 19)
#define  BME280_CALIB20       (0x88 + 20)
#define  BME280_CALIB21       (0x88 + 21)
#define  BME280_CALIB22       (0x88 + 22)
#define  BME280_CALIB23       (0x88 + 23)
#define  BME280_CALIB24       (0x88 + 24)
#define  BME280_CALIB25       (0x88 + 25)

#if 0
typedef  double  BME280_S32_t;
typedef  signed long  BME280_S32_t;
typedef  unsigned long     BME280_U32_t;
typedef  signed long long  BME280_S64_t;

class bme280 {
  uint8_t i2cAddress;

  uint16_t dig_T1;
  signed short   dig_T2,dig_T3;

  uint16_t dig_P1;
  signed short   dig_P2,dig_P3,dig_P4,dig_P5,dig_P6,dig_P7,dig_P8,dig_P9;

  uint8_t dig_H1;
  signed short  dig_H2;
  uint8_t dig_H3;
  signed short  dig_H4,dig_H5;
  signed char   dig_H6;

  void readCalibrationData();

  bme280( uint8_t adr );
  void begin();
  void begin( uint8_t meas, uint8_t hum, uint8_t config );
  int  write( uint8_t reg, uint8_t dat );
  int  write( uint8_t addr, const uint8_t *dat, unsigned int len );
  int  read( uint8_t reg );
  int  read( uint8_t reg, uint8_t data[], size_t len );

  BME280_S32_t readAdc_T();
  BME280_S32_t readAdc_P();
  BME280_S32_t readAdc_H();
  void readAdc_PTH( BME280_S32_t *p, BME280_S32_t *t, BME280_S32_t *h );
  void force( uint8_t pressureOverSample, uint8_t temperatureOverSample );
  uint8_t readStatus();

#if 0
  BME280_S32_t BME280_compensate_T_double(BME280_S32_t adc_T);
  BME280_S32_t BME280_compensate_P_double(BME280_S32_t adc_P);
  BME280_S32_t bme280_compensate_H_double(BME280_S32_t adc_H);
  BME280_S32_t BME280_compensate_T_int32(BME280_S32_t adc_T);
  BME280_U32_t BME280_compensate_P_int64(BME280_S32_t adc_P);
  BME280_U32_t BME280_compensate_H_int32(BME280_S32_t adc_H);

#endif  /*bme280_H*/

/*                         Copyright (C) 2014 hamayan All Rights Reserved.  */





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